Friday, October 19, 2012

Take a road trip, Come to Jesus...

part 2 of a two-week recap

     Later in the break, the Monastery hosted several boys in the scholarship program. Our community social worker -who works for Holy Cross School- put on a two-day workshop that focused on life priorities, personal baggage, and false assumptions about schooling. The workshop concluded with private meetings between each student, Br. Josias and the social worker.
I realized this workshop’s success was thanks largely to the Monastery’s long-term commitment. Over the years, the monks have developed personal relationships with each student, knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses, and have constantly shown them that they matter. Students know they are being cared for, even when given unpleasant news (ex: “No, you can’t transfer just because school is lame”)

     The Holy Cross monastic order involves a vow of Stability -To quote Br. Robert, “We’re not going anywhere.” Living among the monks, you clearly see an unwavering focus on the families, the students, and the retreatants who come to the Monastery. Life among the brothers can vastly widen your idea of ministry; it is a privilege to be among such servants.

All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ,
for He Himself will say, "I was a stranger, and you welcomed Me" (Matt. 25:35)
-Rule of St. Benedict

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